
Swtor story order chart
Swtor story order chart

swtor story order chart

All forces considered MIA/KIA.Įmperor Arcann declares the Core Worlds responsible for Valkorian's death, andĭeclares war against Sith Empire and Galactic Republic.Įternal Fleet claims naval superiority, having destroyed all major shipyards. A joint-expedition of Imperial and Republic ships is led by Darth Marr to pursue Vitiate into Wild Space. Lead raids against the Core Worlds Korriban is the most notable world to be defeated.įirst Skirmish with the Eternal Fleet. Sith Empire outposts in Wild Space destroyed by Vitiate consumes all life on the planet.Įternal Empire Conquest Knights of the Fallen Empire Temporary alliance between Satele Shan's and Darth Marr's personal fleets to confront Revan.

swtor story order chart

Republic and Imperial forces temporarily cease fire to address the threat of the Order of Revan.īattle of Yavin 4. Darth Arkous and Colonel Darok killed by traitors Theron Shan and Lana Beniko. Imperial forces attempt to seize the planet's shipyards from Republic defenders. Republic and Imperial forces engage the Dread Masters on Oricon.īattle for Kuat. Rebellious entities of Czerka Arms is subdued. Hutts negotiate settlement with the Republic. Rise of the Hutt CartelĬonquest of Makeb. Republic publicly held responsible for orbital bombardment.Ĭhampions of the Empire assist the Gree.

swtor story order chart

Darth Karrid becomes head of the Sphere of Technology.īattle of Boranall. Sannus Lorrick defeated.įirst Battle of Leritor. Occupational skirmishes persist on Corellia.įirst Battle of Denova. Karagga is prevented from becoming a third combatant in the war.īattle for Black Hole. Jace Malcolm promoted to Supreme Commander.Īttacks on Hutt Spaceby unknown forces are presumed to be the work of the Republic and Empire.Īnnex neutral systems to regain lost territory, headed by Karagga.īattle of Karagga's Palace. Republic, Imperial, and Pirate Confederate forces fight for control of the Star Ship Graveyard.īattle of Belsavis. Imperial forces attempt to disrupt Republic operations. Heroes of the Republic assist Jedi Master Oteg.Ĭhampions of the Empire infiltrate the Dorin's Sky.Ĭhampions of the Empire secure the Foundry. Imperial force raze Republic Restoration Project. In-game class stories' time frames differ and overlap. Treaty of Coruscant supporters assassinated. Republic victory.īombing of the Senate Tower. Imperial victory.įirst Battle of Dantooine. Republic and Imperial dignitaries negotiate peace treaty. Imperial occupation of Coruscant.Īlderaan Peace Conference. Republic victory.ĭeceived" cinematic trailer). Empire Victoriesĭefeat of the Imperial Seventh Fleet. Imperial strengthens its hold on the planet. Jedi unable to break Hydian Way blockade.īattle of the Hydian Way. Republic supply crisis.īattle near Devaron. Republic Victory.īlockade of the Hydian Way. Alderaanian government pledges military support to Republic.Ĭampaign near Gell Mattar. Fatality crashes into Section X.īattle of Alderaan. The Dread Masters imprisoned on Belsavis.Įngagement over Belsavis. Republic ResilienceĬapture of the Dread Masters. Imperial victory.įirst Battle of Bothawui. Exal Kressh executed.Įngagement in the Mid Rim. Exal Kressh learns of the Emperor's Children. Number of successful Imperial operations.ĭarth Vich discovers Rattatak and proceeds toįirst Battle of the Seswenna Sector. Republic supply lines strangled and political tensions rise.īattle of Eliad. Republic shipyards destroyed.īlockade of the Rimma Trade Route. Aparo abandons the Republic and joins the Empire. Imperial victory.Īssault on the Aparo Sector. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2, The Sith Lords. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic ends. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic begins. This is the calendar system that would be used by our characters. Galactic Calendaris the in-universe calendar system adopted by the Galactic Senate following the Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope and the destruction of the first Death Star during the Galactic Civil War. Galactic Standard Calendar is the standard calendar system used to reference all of Star Wars. The game also establishes that Raabat's disappearance occurred twelve years before the events of Fallen Empire, so Fallen Empire must take place in 3632 BBY, and Chapter I-which takes place five years prior to the rest of the expansion-in 3637 BBY. According to the novel The Old Republic: Annihilation, the Treaty of Coruscant collapsed in 3642 BBY, and Star Wars: The Old Republic: Knights of the Fallen Empire states that Choza Raabat disappeared two years before that, or 3644 BBY.

Swtor story order chart